Become a Champion
What Is a Champion?
A Methodist Home Champion is a member of their local congregation who has a desire to serve their church and community for the ministry of The Methodist Home. In United Methodist congregations, Champions are elected by their local church annually. For all other denominations, we ask for the pastor’s approval and support of those serving as Champions.
We Depend on our Partners and Champions
The role of our Champions is vital to the success of our organization. Being a Champion for The Methodist Home is crucial work because the welfare of so many children, youth and families depends upon our services. Champions grow by making community connections with The Methodist Home and other concerned citizens. They have the satisfaction of knowing they are personally involved in helping change the lives of young people.

How Do I Sign Up?
If you would like to serve as a Champion for The Methodist Home in your local church, speak to your pastor. In United Methodist congregations, Champions are nominated by the Lay Leadership Committee / Nominations Committee, and elected at the annual Charge Conference. If you are interested in becoming a Champion for your congregation, please contact your pastor and let them know you are interested. Fill out the form below in order for us to officially recognize you as a Champion.
Pastors, please fill out this form with your Champion information.
What Does A Champion Do?
The work of a Champion might include:
- Practice and recommend prayer support for all campuses of The Methodist Home.
- Invite speakers from The Methodist Home to church/civic meetings.
- Become knowledgeable about the services The Methodist Home provides at its various campuses.
- Promote donating to The Methodist Home.
- Bring or organize a tour from your church or community to visit one of our campuses.
- Encourage your church to observe the annual Work Day Offering on the 3rd Sunday of September.
- Learn how to connect families in need with the services of The Methodist Home.